Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dental Visit

Time for another visit to the dentist. Seems like two years goes by awfully fast! I know! I know! A checkup every six months is recommended. But I tend to stretch that out a bit. Or, a lot. Typically, I wait until there is a problem, which was the case this time.

The reason for my visit was a small chip on my upper front tooth, specifically, the mesial lingual surface of #8; the right maxillary central anterior (for those who want a technical description). The tooth has previously had a root canal, thanks to my dog knocking me of my skateboard when I was a kid, so there was no pain, only the aggravation to my tongue. But I would like to keep the tooth, and prefer to not pay for an implant, so I made the appointment.

And that’s when the trouble started.

Since my last visit, my dentist has retired. I may have mentioned a few times that I do not like change. I know that change sometimes is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. So, it was with a fair amount of trepidation that I “looked forward” to this dental visit.

And I was not disappointed.

New faces, new procedures, new equipment; all made for a distressing hour. I guess you could say, it was rather a numbing effect! And on top of that, I had to endure a lecture from the dental assistant about the “proper” care of my teeth. As if, at 48 years of age, I’ve never heard anything about brushing and flossing. I considered asking her who had made her dentures, just to make a point, but thought that might not bode well for my own comfort while in the chair!

Actually, I must admit, the new dentist is okay. More than okay really, she’s great. She’s knowledgeable, competent, skillful, thorough, good-natured, and witty. In short, she’s very likable, as a dentist and as a person. But it’s just not the same. My old dentist knew me, knew my family. There was a certain familiarity and a friendly atmosphere. Now, a dental visit is purely business, impersonal. I know, in time that will change. I’ll become more comfortable and used to the new people. Used to the new way of doing things. Used to the idea that my old dentist is gone.

And, in time, I’m sure I will learn to accept this change. Maybe. Probably about the time my new dentist retires!

Bruce A. Borders is the author of more than a dozen books, including: Inside Room 913, Over My Dead Body, The Journey, Miscarriage Of Justice, and The Wynn Garrett Series. Available in ebook and paperback on iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords, or at Amazon Profile - Bruce A. Borders also serves as the Vice-President of Rave Reviews Book Club.


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Kathryn R. Biel


  1. It's a funny thing - I'm not one of those "I hate going to the dentist" types of people, but I always seem to conveniently "forget" when it's time to go back. I guess we just take our teeth for granted - completely forgetting how much we don't know about our teeth and our dental health and how there might not be something wrong until it's too late.

    Christy Hodges @ Smile Designers

  2. I've never been fortunate enough to have a dentist that I liked as much as you did your previous one, but I appreciate the sentiment. I don't particularly enjoy the flossing conversations either, and always feel somewhat anxious before dental visits. I suppose that's all the more reason to take their advice, so we don't have to visit as often!

    Dora Ingram @ CGDDS
